So, three wonderful, adorable young people have ventured into the recesses of my mind --and my life.
Nola St. Germaine, Deslyn Wilder, and Bronte Ladeaux. They are my three lead characters for my YA Paranormal Fiction Series, S.P.I.R.I.T.S.
The main title is actually their Paranormal Group that has been named by fellow author, Kelly Erickson, who gets a mention in the novel, among other things after the first book comes out. She won the contest for best PARANORMAL Group Name/Acronym! Congrats, Kelly and thanks so much!

I have a feeling that this series will become as viral as the Twilight Series, if not more (at least I can hope). My characters have seemed to jump right out of the pages and feel as lifelike as you or me. I have a feeling they are gonna take over and make their own blog, so stay tuned for that! They already have their own *Paranormal Group* fan page, which has been a lot of fun seeing them interact. They will soon be introducing each other so that their fans can get to know more about them. They love their fans!!

As their creator and author of the future series, I am looking forward to bringing them into the light and making them a national sensation! Stay tuned for Book Cover reveals, swag giveaways, etc.
Thanks for your continued support! As Nola would say... Much Love and Ghost hugs! ;)

Pinterest seems an unlikely resource for writers. Consequently, it is actually a hot bed for inspiration.  Writers and authors of all genres can find something to give their story, article, poem, or script, an edge. Creating story boards with pins of inspiration for your writing projects can be a powerful resource and help with writer's block.  Writers can find photos, quotes, art, period clothing, vintage items...just about anything you can think of to start the writing process. I came across this resource, myself, on one of my writing network sites. Not sure if it was Freelance Writing Jobs, Scripted, or Skywords. I know it was one of them who had posted a great article from a writer about using Pinterest for writing. It's a brilliant idea, and one I am taking advantage of!  Who woulda thought?

If you are on pinterest, you can follow my Write Diva's Writing Inspiration Board. Now, I am not going to create entire storylines. Whatever I use is just for inspiration to help me brainstorm. 

If you see something on pinterest that you feel may be of use to me, and I haven't come across it yet, please feel free to share it! I appreciate all input!

So I seem to have shut myself in these two days off for the pure love of writing without distraction. Granted, I did not get a whole lot accomplished yesterday due to some female issues, today I have applied to a couple of new opportunities, and am writing this blog post!! Also hoping to get my daily short story written,which I am finding is not as easy as it usually is. Mainly because I need some inspiration, ya think?

Reading through some of the books I bought, skimming a few pages of each to keep the motivation and desire going. Which that doesn't take much because, writing has become a drug for me...I have to have a fix every day! This is a good thing, i presume! Especially if I plan to do this full-time, eventually! I know I can do this and will be successful, i feel it in every fiber of my body!! It's in the core of me now, deeply embedded!

I am so blessed at being given this innate ability to arrange words in a way to speak to the hearts and minds of others, to reach those that know not what to say or how to say it. I am astounded at the words I put to paper...it is like an outer body experience...feeling as if it wasn't me, but someone else writing the words...but I know it is me, because they come from my mind, heart, and soul!

So, am I becoming reclusive? I dare say not because I know there is life to be lived outdoors... for that is where inspiration comes from...I can't afford to be a shut-in because I have a daughter who loves the park, and I love the fresh air, sunshine, and cool breeze when the weather is right... Even though some of the best writers and authors have become very eccentric reclusives, that lifestyle is not for me. Besides there is only so much you can write about within four walls. Mother nature can be such an inspiring muse, along with different sights, smells, and tastes of the world! Let us not forget what our ears hear... that too can be inspiration. As a musician, certain sounds can prove to be poetic and inspiring.

Not to dis Miss Emily Dickenson and her fine poetry...she is one of my favorites, but she had to have had a very keen sixth sense of a writer to see more than the boundaries of the four walls she enclosed herself in! I am sure as writers we all learn to harness that and use our sixth creative sense to our greatest advantage! 

Stepping outside to check on my 10-year-old daughter and her best friend at play, I over-hear their dialogue:

  "No...here... you take the map!"
   "No... You take it, and don't let it fall into the ocean!"

They seem to be passing a notebook with a map on it to each other, back-and-forth.  They're on a dry grassy knoll in front of our apartment building, with two Disney princess tents, a small pink one and a larger purple one, set up for them to cross between. They obviously seem to be on a wild voyage to a new world, playfully arguing over who's navigating the trip. I smile to myself as I walk back inside, feeling as if I've done something right in my parenting skills. Knowing my daughter has an imagination and still utilizes it at 10 years old, fills me with pride. As a writer, singer, and all around creative person, I have always had to use my imagination. My love for books and reading always enthralled me because it alowed me to visit new lands, meet new people, and experience things I would not otherwise experience in reality; not to mention that I could even time travel!!! When a child uses their imagination, the possibilities are endless!

Every child is instilled with an imagination; whether it is nurtured positively and creatively, is something else. Sometimes, it is not nurtured at all, or even stifled; neither of which is developmentally productive for a child.  It is a huge detriment to a child who is not encouraged to "think outside the box,"so-to-speak. Parents who do not foster creativity or imagination in their children will never reap the end rewards. Imagination is crucial to creativity and growth.  Unfortunately, many children in this day in age do not know how to use the imagination God gave them, due to the fact they are constantly distracted with video games, the computer, phones, etc. While video games can encourage creative play, it also depend on the video game parents allow their children to play. The violent and graphic content of today's games are in no way a positive reinforcer of imagination. Children and even teens, who should know better, lose grips with reality when playing these games, and as we see time-and-time againin the news, end up taking the game into a real-life setting where people are mortally wounded. Who can we really hold accounbtable for this? The parents? The children? The game designers? The retailers? WHO??

As parents, we need to take responsibility for our child(ren)'s well-being!  Allowing their creativity and imaginations to be used productively and positively; to make a difference in the world, is what we want for them!!  We will all be better off!  They need to break off from technology every once in a while and get lost in a book, write in a journal, draw, color, sing, dance, or even just playing with a friend. Two minds are better than one, three or more is even better. Creativity can be sparked and is contagious!  Do not be afraid to listen in or ask to see what they write or draw. Give them postive, but honest critique. Do not berate them or put them down for doing something different than the norm. So what if their sky is pink, and not blue? Who's to say that's not their vision of a sunrise or sunset! Let them be who they are, respect them for their natural talents and abilities, and hone in on what their passions are! That is what will lead them to THEIR success!!

Right now, I sit here, Pandora playing on my TV. Finishing up my coffee while searching for new writing gigs. With a fresh and clean apartment, daughter at school, I find whatever time I can to write. I find myself faced with a decision. Do I continue on with school for Nursing? The more I contemplate it, the more it feels like I am doing it because I know I would be making better money, rather than the fact that it's not something I really planned on doing with my life. I have a passion for music and writing and the arts, and I feel I was always meant to go in that direction, despite the fact that I have never had anyone fully support me in that path. I'm at a point now, where I could care less who has my back. It's my life, is it not? God willing, I will get to do what I'm passionate about and not have to "work" a day in my life. If you're with me and want to support me and help me get to where I want to be, then that's great, if you're not... No skin off my back! When I say support, I am not talking about financial... I am just needing to meet the right people and be in the right place at the right time. That has not happened for me yet and I need that to get the fire lit! Just point me in the directiion, give me contacts or network resources to contact...If I need to be where they are, I'll find a way to get there.

On the other hand, if you have anything negative or critical to say of what I choose to do with my life, I really don't care to hear anymore...I've heard it all my life...believe me, I really don't need it! Mostly those naysayers are the jealous haters who wish they had talent, or do and don't have the courage or guts to do anything about it NOT MY PROBLEM, people! That's your own issue within yourself...something you need to resolve, instead of cutting down the dreams of others...just saying! Yeah, of course I'm going to keep working where I am right now. I have a great schedule, and while it's hard sometimes, It's meaningful to me and is where I need to be for now. I get that. Besides, I gotta pay my bills somehow! I am just gonna do whatever it takes on the side to get to where I want to be! Every artist has to pay their dues initially.

So, yes I realize I need to make a decision, and quite honestly... I am so sick of going to school. I have been at it since the age of 18, after feeling like I failed at becoming a professional vocalist, trying to find a "practical" path to please those that do not believe the arts is a real "career path." Sorry, but I refuse to listen to anyone's BS about that anymore. You only have one shot at life and you have to do what your passionate about, otherwise, you spend life miserable and unhappy, wishing you had done something to make your dreams come true. I refuse to stand idly by and watch life pass me by! I want to be the mother and woman my daughter needs me to be. Someone she can truly be proud of and look up to. Luckily I still have time on my side, and youth... for the most part. I can still make this happen DAMMIT!!! I will, just wait and see!! 

To all my naysayers and critics... Looking forward to the day when you will eat your words!!! Don't Choke! The heimlich maneuver hurts!;)

Right now, I sit here, Pandora playing on my TV. Finishing up my coffee while searching for new writing gigs. With a fresh and clean apartment, daughter at school, I find whatever time I can to write. I find myself faced with a decision. Do I continue on with school for Nursing? The more I contemplate it, the more it feels like I am doing it because I know I would be making better money, rather than the fact that it's not something I really planned on doing with my life. I have a passion for music and writing and the arts, and I feel I was always meant to go in that direction, despite the fact that I have never had anyone fully support me in that path. I'm at a point now, where I could care less who has my back. It's my life, is it not? God willing, I will get to do what I'm passionate about and not have to "work" a day in my life. If you're with me and want to support me and help me get to where I want to be, then that's great, if you're not... No skin off my back! When I say support, I am not talking about financial... I am just needing to meet the right people and be in the right place at the right time. That has not happened for me yet and I need that to get the fire lit! Just point me in the directiion, give me contacts or network resources to contact...If I need to be where they are, I'll find a way to get there.

On the other hand, if you have anything negative or critical to say of what I choose to do with my life, I really don't care to hear anymore...I've heard it all my life...believe me, I really don't need it! Mostly those naysayers are the jealous haters who wish they had talent, or do and don't have the courage or guts to do anything about it NOT MY PROBLEM, people! That's your own issue within yourself...something you need to resolve, instead of cutting down the dreams of others...just saying! Yeah, of course I'm going to keep working where I am right now. I have a great schedule, and while it's hard sometimes, It's meaningful to me and is where I need to be for now. I get that. Besides, I gotta pay my bills somehow! I am just gonna do whatever it takes on the side to get to where I want to be! Every artist has to pay their dues initially.

So, yes I realize I need to make a decision, and quite honestly... I am so sick of going to school. I have been at it since the age of 18, after feeling like I failed at becoming a professional vocalist, trying to find a "practical" path to please those that do not believe the arts is a real "career path." Sorry, but I refuse to listen to anyone's BS about that anymore. You only have one shot at life and you have to do what your passionate about, otherwise, you spend life miserable and unhappy, wishing you had done something to make your dreams come true. I refuse to stand idly by and watch life pass me by! I want to be the mother and woman my daughter needs me to be. Someone she can truly be proud of and look up to. Luckily I still have time on my side, and youth... for the most part. I can still make this happen DAMMIT!!! I will, just wait and see!! 

To all my naysayers and critics... Looking forward to the day when you will eat your words!!! Don't Choke! The heimlich maneuver hurts!;)