A Believer and Skeptic in One

The paranormal realm has always interested me, even as a child. I am both believer and skeptic, if there even is such a thing. I do believe and know that their is a spiritual dimension that we can't see, but exists. However, I do not count every little bump and noise as being paranormal. I look for a more logical, scientific reason for something happening before I claim it as supernatural. I have had my share of experiences throughout my life, and I am sure I will continue to have more as time goes on. I don't know if I could call myself sensitive, because it is not like spirits are drawn to me and I can see them every day.  However, sometimes my dreams are extremely vivid and I can remember them per every detail as they happened, even years later. I have also experienced strange hiccups in time. We call this deja vu, usually. Where you know you have experienced something before, but you can't quite understand when, how, or why? I have slight precognitive abilities where I can predict things before they happen. The strange thing about it is, it's usually all mental. For example, I'll dream something, or a thought or event will come to mind, but hasn't happened yet, and sometimes seconds, inutes, hours, or even days later, it will happen,  Sometimes,I don't really realize it, but others, it feels like a deja vu moment. I have even picked up the phone to call a certain person and they'd actually be on the other end. The phone never rang, so I would never have known until that moment. That sometimes freaks me out, but it's kind of neat.

Vivid Dreams

Going back to dreams for a moment, I have had several very vivid and strange dreams; sometimes even frightening where I wake up crying! I have had a repetitive dream about a certain house. I haven't had that dream in years, but I am sure it will rear it's ugly head again sometime in the future. I can't pinpoint what exactly makes me have that dream, but I have had it at least three times in my life.It's quite terrifying. The house has a white exterior, and is very charming, almost like a quaint little victorian cottage...sort of... anyways, going in, it's very small and claustrophobic....and dark. There are points of light within, but there are strange shadows along the walls. One in particular seems to chase me. it's very large and intimidating. As I try to run to escape it, the house appears to shrink, like a funhouse affect. I feel myself getting short of breath, feeling panic...I try to reach the door and just as I go to open it, I wake up. That's exactly how it ends every time!  Other dreams I have had involved my daughter when she was a baby. I think those were just stemmed from apparent seperation anxiety on my behalf. I was attending school at the time to get  my Asosciates Degree in Architectural Design, and I guess felt guilty for leaving her. My dreams were always about abandonment and me not knowing where she was, or knowing where she was but had been taken and something horrible happening to her. I woke up, countless times in tears and sweat freaking out! I always ran into her room to check on her and she would be peacefully sleeping. Afterwords, I would go back to sleep and be ok.

Another very vivid dream I had a few years ago, and I even remember the date of the dream. February 10, 2003... A few days short of Valentines day, but right before the night of our Valentines Dinner at church. Anyways, I am sitting atop of this cloud, kind of floating, the air is thick and the skies are dark and crimson,  and there are three crosses on a hill. I am at the head of the center cross, wiping the brow of  Christ...Yes, Jesus... I can hear and see the commotion below.I can see the other two men on the crosses. I can see the Roman soldiers standing guard. I hear Jesus say his seven final words and I realize I am at his crucifixion. *Side note: at the time of this dream, I had been certified as a Doula/labor assistant and during labor I would help the mother feel relaxed and wipe the sweat off her brow* I continue to dab the cloth on his brow, wiping away blood and sweat. He then turns to me, looks me straight in the eyes, with a bright smile on his face. The light around him glows brighter, and I could see no pain...nothing but love...He says to me, "Brandy, I love you, You are MINE!" I remember embracing him tight after that, and I feel the blood from his side dripping onto my hand. It felt so real! I woke up in tears, but it was such a mixed emotion, I could not even tell my then husband what I had just experienced until hours later. I also remember when I woke up, I could still feel him, his presence was there and I felt the embrace. I also felt something wet on my right hand, and when I looked, in between my thumb and forefinger, there were three little dark red droplet stains on my hand! This unfathomable peace came over me. I still get emotional even typing those words, because I knew at that moment, no matter what I had done in my life, I was not perfect, but he loved me and he claimed me as his own! Those three blood stains remained on my hand for three days, despite washing them, they did not go away til the third day! Now mind you, this was also Lent season, so it had a very particular meaning for me as a woman of faith. I will never forget that dream, and I don't think I am ever supposed to and that's quite alright with me!!!

Believe it... or Not!

I have not told too many people about that dream. Most, especially non-believers, would not get it, and others, well they may not believe me, despite the vivid detail and recount! Something just felt right about telling it here. That way, if you read it, you can either believe, or not... or come to your own conclusions. I just know that those who share my faith felt very blessed and touched when I told them, it was like a reaffirmation for me, and sometimes even for them. it was my Valentine's gift from God that year and I'll forever cherish it!! Does this make me psychic or sensitive, I don't really know. I just know that it was as real to me as someone reaching out and caressing my arm or face. I felt it! Was it paranormal? In a way, yes, because it was not of this world, and in the dream, I was not in this physical plane. My soul and psyche had transcended into a realm that is undefined by even science. How could it have been so real?Maybe because God's love transcends time and space, and that is how I was able to feel and sense everything from the dream even after waking. it is a unique and wonderful mystery, one of which not many get to experience and I am very fortunate and grateful to have been gifted with that!

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