The novel has taken a very interesting turn for the better, I believe. While I don't want to get into the juicy details, I have had a brainstorm of epic proportions in relation to how the story will progress. Thanks to a brilliant suggestion by my good friend, C.M. Wright.  (Yes, I mentioned you in my blog, girlfiend! ;) )Love You tons! I am re-planning  the order of events, where I plan to begin the novel, and which character will lead off.  

With this character, I will go into the back   story, allowing the audience to see  how it all began, and then progress from there.

My hopes and goals? To make it into a trilogy or a full blown series, not sure, depending on where my characters lead me! All-in-all it is becoming quite an adventure, and to top it off, I have found an awesome editor to help me shape the story into the success I know it is capable of!

Thanks to all my supporters! Once I get more written I will share teasers, and will blog more for the series. For now, this concludes the blog series for A Son for Ibiza!

4/25/2013 03:01:26 pm

Can't wait to read this, Brielle! And thanks for the shout-out. You're an amazing writer, and soon...everyone will know that. Lots of love and encouragement ~ C. M.


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